CLI features

New workflow initialization

Create a Git repository:

mkdir mypaper
cd mypaper
git init
echo '# mypaper' >
git add .
git commit -m 'first commit'

Initialize the popper repository and add the configuration file to git:

popper init
git add .
git commit -m 'adds .popper.yml file'

Initialize a workflow

popper scaffold

Show what this did (a wf.yml should have been created):

ls -l

Commit the “empty” pipeline:

git add .
git commit -m 'adding my first workflow'

Executing a workflow

To run the workflow:

popper run -f wf.yml

where wf.yml is a file containing a workflow.

Executing a step interactively

For debugging a workflow, it is sometimes useful to open a shell inside a container associated to a step of a workflow. To accomplish this, run:

popper sh <STEP>

where <STEP> is the name of a step contained in the workflow. For example, given the following workflow:

- id: mystep
  uses: docker://ubuntu:18.04
  runs: ["ls", "-l"]
  dir: /tmp/
    MYENVVAR: "foo"

if we want to open a shell that puts us inside the mystep above (inside an container instance of the ubuntu:18.04 image), we run:

popper sh mystep

And this opens an interactive shell inside that step, where the environment variable MYENVVAR is available. Note that the runs and args attributes are overridden by Popper. By default, /bin/bash is used to start the shell, but this can be modified with the --entrypoint flag.

Customizing container engine behavior

By default, Popper instantiates containers in the underlying engine by using basic configuration options. When these options are not suitable to your needs, you can modify or extend them by providing engine-specific options. These options allow you to specify fine-grained capabilities, bind-mounting additional folders, etc. In order to do this, you can provide a configuration file to modify the underlying container engine configuration used to spawn containers. This is a YAML file that defines an engine dictionary with custom options and is passed to the popper run command via the --conf (or -c) flag.

For example, to make Popper spawn Docker containers in privileged mode, we can write the following option:

    name: docker
       privileged: True

Similarly, to bind-mount additional folders, we can use the volumes option to list the directories to mount:

    name: docker
       privileged: True
       - myvol1:/folder
       - myvol2:/app

Assuming the above is stored in a file called config.yml, we pass it to Popper by running:

popper run -f wf.yml -c config.yml


Currently, the --conf option is only supported for the dockerengine.

Continuously validating a workflow

The ci subcommand generates configuration files for multiple CI systems. The syntax of this command is the following:

popper ci --file wf.yml <service-name>

Where <name> is the name of CI system (see popper ci --help to get a list of supported systems). In the following, we show how to link github with some of the supported CI systems. In order to do so, we first need to create a repository on github and upload our commits:

# set the new remote
git remote add origin <your-github-repo-url>

# verify the remote URL
git remote -v

# push changes in your local repository up to github
git push -u origin master


For this, we need an account at Travis CI. Assuming our Popperized repository is already on GitHub, we can enable it on TravisCI so that it is continuously validated (see here for a guide). Once the project is registered on Travis, we proceed to generate a .travis.yml file:

cd my-popper-repo/
popper ci --file wf.yml travis

And commit the file:

git add .travis.yml
git commit -m 'Adds TravisCI config file'

We then can trigger an execution by pushing to GitHub:

git push

After this, one go to the TravisCI website to see your pipelines being executed. Every new change committed to a public repository will trigger an execution of your pipelines. To avoid triggering an execution for a commit, include a line with [skip ci] as part of the commit message.

NOTE: TravisCI has a limit of 2 hours, after which the test is terminated and failed.


For CircleCI, the procedure is similar to what we do for TravisCI (see above):

  1. Sign in to CircleCI using your github account and enable your repository.

  2. Generate config files and add them to the repo:

    cd my-popper-repo/
    popper ci --file wf.yml circle
    git add .circleci
    git commit -m 'Adds CircleCI config files'
    git push


For GitLab-CI, the procedure is similar to what we do for TravisCI and CircleCI (see above), i.e. generate config files and add them to the repo:

cd my-popper-repo/
popper ci --file wf.yml gitlab
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git commit -m 'Adds GitLab-CI config file'
git push

If CI is enabled on your instance of GitLab, the above should trigger an execution of the pipelines in your repository.


For Jenkins, generating a Jenkinsfile is done in a similar way:

cd my-popper-repo/
popper ci --file wf.yml jenkins
git add Jenkinsfile
git commit -m 'Adds Jenkinsfile'
git push

Jenkins is a self-hosted service and needs to be properly configured in order to be able to read a github project with a Jenkinsfile in it. The easiest way to add a new project is to use the Blue Ocean UI. A step-by-step guide on how to create a new project using the Blue Ocean UI can be found here. In particular, the New Pipeline from a Single Repository has to be selected (as opposed to Auto-discover Pipelines).

Visualizing workflows

While .workflow files are relatively simple to read, it is nice to have a way of quickly visualizing the steps contained in a workflow. Popper provides the option of generating a graph for a workflow. To generate a graph for a pipeline, execute the following:

popper dot -f wf.yml

The above generates a graph in .dot format. To visualize it, you can install the graphviz package and execute:

popper dot -f wf.yml | dot -T png -o wf.png

The above generates a wf.png file depicting the workflow. Alternatively you can use the website to generate a graph by copy-pasting the output of the popper dot command.